High Low for the Pro Drinking Game Rules

Drunk Meter:


Players: 2+

1 Deck of Cards


Game Play/Rules

Play starts with a volunteer. That person is dealt one card faced up. He must predict whether the next card is higher or lower than the previous card. Kings are high, deuces are low. Aces are both high and low and are, therefore, freebies.

The player must be correct three times on the initial card before they have the option to pass. If at any time the player is incorrect, they must drink the number of cards in the pile (not counting the wrong card), the wrong card is moved to the beginning of the pile, the cards that were in the pile are moved to a discard pile and the player must build three more cards on the pile.

The player may build more than three cards on the pile if they wish especially when the cards are aces, kings, or deuces as you cannot lose on these.

If the player matches the number, the matching card begins a second pile and the player must build three cards on EACH pile. The player can alternate between both piles until they are able to pass. (Usually, the player will play the better card or if the cards are more or less equal, they play the shorter pile.)

The player has the option to pass after they build three cards on all piles. If they successfully pass, the last card they played on each pile should be turned sideways so that it is easy to track how many cards the next player has placed on each pile.

If the player chooses to play more than three cards on a pile and calls one of the additional cards incorrectly, they must build three cards on that pile again. If the player plays more than three cards on a pile and a matching number comes out, the player must play three cards on the new pile.

The maximum number of piles is four. If a matching card comes out after four piles is made (which would otherwise make a fifth pile), then the round is over, all cards are cleared, there is a social, the player who cleared the board is considered to have "won" the round (though winning is not really a priority), and if a second round is to be played, the card that cleared the pile starts the next round for the next player.

The cards are shuffled when the round ends or when the number of cards in the deck runs low. If the number of cards runs low, the discard pile is shuffled into the remaining cards.

As an option, any pile that contains an ace counts double when missed.
